Ok so I started working on a new pattern months ago... Whenever I create a new pattern it's always trial and error. I now have several body parts laying around my studio which my daughter says is creepy... Lol...
So the other night after I got off from work I decided to bite the bullet! I attached the body, limbs and head together... And look how baby Addison turned out!!! I think she's absolutely adorable... Maybe, one of my bests yet... MAYBE. Lol
So now I'm ready to order more fabric and get busy on another Preemie!!!
These babies are about 19 //2" long, depending on fabric stretch. I'm going to make some bald and some with craft fur wigs. On their little body and limbs I filled them with doll pellets for that realistic feel. I heavily heavily weighted them with bb's to have a natural feel to them. I soft sculpted the face, body, fingers and toes. I'm only going to use painted on closed eyes. Sorry, no open eyes!!!
Hey Lizzie, LOVE the new blog. this baby is by far my absolute favorite. I've never held a doll that has the pellets for that real weight feel. I hope to make one like that one day. I love that when I get discourage about my doll making skills, all I have to do is flip through some of your pics and it brings me inspiration and reminds me why I enjoy making them so much. thanks for sharing your "lollipop" loves with us!!!!!! ;)
Awww thank you Ness... I myself hesitated on making a baby using pellets... But after this first baby, I love it and will continue to use this method!!! Please don't ever get discouraged, all doll making is, is practice, practice, practice until you achieve the desired look! Don't ever give up!!!! And thank you so much for being a faithful follower of my "Lollipops"!!!!
this is a darling little baby. I prefer eyes open...just me. but I love everything you do. I am so much in love with Jacob that the GDs have to play with him at my house or he gets to travel with me to their house.. I just can't give him away...lol
I am so much in love with Jacob that the GDs have to play with him at my house or he gets to travel with me to their house.. I just can't give him away...lol